Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday Flashback

NaBloPoMo has opened up new channels of cheating creativity for me. I need structure to keep my wheels on the road.  In the spirit of fostering a healthy routine for myself, I am declaring today the first of many Flashback Fridays. I apologize if that sounds like a cheesy gimmick for a local radio station, but alliteration will not be denied.  So, please to enjoy...
This photo may represent the last time I had muscle definition in the abdominal region. The little boy sitting beside me is actually my sister Brandy.  These photos are part of a larger series taken by a friend of my step-dad. The friend bought a brand new, fancy 35mm camera and we were the only models available.  The photographer told me and Brandy to pretend to play football. Clearly, he wished he had gotten little boys to take pictures of. I distinctly remember that I had no idea what to do with that Nerf football.  We may be reenacting some pre-school version of the Heismann Trophey pose, who knows. 
I can't believe my mother dressed me like that. I was peaking nipples all day.

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