My husband jokes/laments about his semi-charmed life. He is the guy who wins $1000 in the lottery one day, only to wreck his car the next. So, it is no surprise to me that his Aunt would be sent to Hospice and given a month and a half to live. You see, in a month and a half my husband has vacation time. Violet's birthday is in July. It's family tradition to *vacation at this time. This summer, Aaron's time off is doubly important because my sister, her children, her husband and our mother are coming to celebrate Violet's birthday. I lack the mental and emotional stamina necessary to withstand my mother and my brother-in-law. My sister and her two kids are fine, but the other two bring on waves nausea and fits of rage respectively. I need my husband to be here. Aaron is less than enthusiastic about seeing my mother again, given what she put him through last time. Months ago, I told him nothing short of a funeral could get him out of helping me manage Deb and dammit he just might get one!
*We don't actually leave our house when we are on vacation, but we do fantasize about going to Disney World.
2 days ago