Friday, February 20, 2009

Distracting Myself

I am on nurse duty. The husband is sick. He is busy sweating all over the sheets I just washed through a fever.  I am on my best behavior and trying not to resent him, because after all it's not his fault he got sick.  I am just a terrible nurse.

I had no intention of moaning about my Florence Nightingale complex when I started this post. My whole point was to show you yesterday's  Project 365 photo.  I was trying to distract myself with cute and I failed.

Anywho.  Here is a little buddy from Violet's preschool co-op. His mama was on teaching duty, so I followed him around with my camera. It kept us both out of trouble.

*Perhaps the library could do a little dusting now and then. Just sayin'.

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