During this entire conversation I am taking pictures of my husband who hates to be photographed.
Wife: Remember, that [wooden spatula] doesn't go in the dishwasher.
Husband: [Satisfied chuckle].
Wife: What? I'm sorry. It doesn't.
Husband: It doesn't go in there today.
Wife: No. It never goes in the dishwasher.
Husband: That's not what you said last time.
Wife: What last time?
Husband: I wrote it down. You said it was okay to put the wooden spatula in the dishwasher. It's in my notebook upstairs.
Wife: Really?
Husband: I just read it today.... get that camera out of my face.
Wife: Oh, but your right. I just want to take a picture of what you look like when your right.
Husband: Stop it.
Wife: I'M wrong. Oooh. Whatta think of that. I'm wrong and your right.
Husband: Quit it.
Wife: Don't you want to see what it looks like to be right?
Husband: NO!
3 days ago