I had a few pairs of Underoos as a child. I remember with much affection dressing like C3PO under my clothes and, of course, there was Wonder Woman. After many searches on the vast interwebs, I have resigned myself to the fact that they no longer make Wonder Woman Underoos for little girls. I have had occasion to see LOTS of erotic Wonder Woman undies for the purpose of sexy role playing, but that is cold comfort for a mother who wants her child to experience all the clean-cut, practical fun that a set of Underoos can bring. Why are these not made anymore? Do children not wear underpants and undershirts like in the old days? Well, during a recent trip to a soul-sucking Super Wal-Mart, I observed Underoos in the boys underwear aisle. SuperMan, Batman, Hulk and SpiderMan were all there. My heart swelled! I trotted over to the girls' undie section. No Underoos! I walked a circle around that aisle 10 times, thinking I might have missed some stealth display of Girls' Underoos. There were no girls' Underoos. I convinced myself that this was Wal-Mart's fault. I contemplated buying boy Underoos and then I left to search the interwebs at home for Underoos info.