Have I mentioned yet that we are intentionally only having one kid. I like kids. I LOVE my kid. I get giddy when other people have multiple babies. I cannot imagine having another one of my own. So, so many complicated reasons, but in the end I know (and Aaron agrees) that we are capable of being great parents to one child. We would be mediocre parents (at best) to more. I bring this up because I had the pleasure of kid sitting for a friend the other night. The youngest child (13 months) was in my care for a whole month last summer and I'm kinda sweet on him. His older sister is Violet's age and they are BFF if you know what I mean! I have a deep reserve of patience and energy for temporary arrangements like these and I made certain to document the chaos I allowed to happen. My own daughter never behaves with such reckless abandon and I like feeling wild for a night before I clean it all up and collapse from exhaustion. In a way, I'm giving Violet short bursts of sibling experience. Her temperament is woefully similar to mine and I know that as much as she enjoys having friends over, she is also relieved when they go. Introverts we are, in the Heathen Family. I have learned how to pace myself in social situations, so as not to wind up burnt out before the festivities are through. I don't believe there is an official milestone map for this skill, but I can imagine it will be long into elementary school before Vi learns how to do it. For now, I must be her moderator. If we had more than one kid, I don't think I would ever be pleasant. Violet accommodates me. We need quiet equally and although our timing is not always perfect, we can usually muster the patience to make it to bedtime. Throw in Aaron's temperament and that is more than enough emotional multitasking for me. Yes, we are perfectly happy as a threesome.
1 week ago